Saturday, December 31

on the way

Dear 2011,


Something funny happened on the way to here. 

We grew closer, and better, and challenged ourselves.  We have cried here and loved here and made it home.

What a year! 

When I think back to the same time last year when we were just wondering, wondering, where we would be in a year.

And then we had a plan, and we prayed our ways through it.  We were sure it would turn out like we thought.  We had the Lord preparing the way and spurring us on. 

All the time, we see now, that we were preparing ourselves for this time. 

So here we are.  And we are happy.  All five, plus Scout, together.  And all thanks be to His great glory!

Love, Jenny

Tuesday, December 27

the results show

There was some do-it-yourself around here this last season of preparation.

From the kids; hand written letters, decoupage treasure boxes and embellished notebooks.

From this Santa elf: bath salts, scrubbies, pinterest love.


With all that hand made going on in my hands and head, I took the "good enough" route in other areas.  What kid doesn't love the brown loveliness of an box?  No wrapping required!!!

And inside the stockings, presents needn't be wrapped...they're covered in green and red crochet, for goodness sakes! 

I know you're thinking...what kid doesn't love a gift from Bed Bath & Beyond!!!  Well, okay, the bag doesn't necessarily match the present inside, but the packaging sure saved...the earth.  Oh yes, and saved me time and sanity...and the kids cared not!

 Now to unwrap the living room floor.  It's currently covered in all the new games, books, legos and laffy taffy.

Friday, December 23

all the time

God is good,

We thank you for all the gifts you've given us this year.  We appreciate all the ways you've supported us and loved on us, especially through the times of transition.  If we can ever return the blessing, please do ask.
God's blessings to you and yours this Christmas season!
Jenny & Paul, Jack, Lena & PJ

Friday, December 16

home and hearth

We've been enjoying all the newness of our holiday traditions this year.  Being gone for two weeks in the month of December, though, we've definitely kept it simple.
If nothing else, but having done that alone, it is a good reminder to keep it simple.  We've wrapped up our last day of school now, and are on to a two week break. 
Certainly not a break from learning.  But an attempt to rest and regroup and enjoy those last few traditions this wonderful season affords us.

Monday, December 12

and on it goes!

I think I could start every blog post I write with "Man, life does keep marching on, doesn't it!"

So, while hoping to keep it real and regular during the hustle and bustle, here is what occupied a mid- November weekend at our place!

If you can't tell by the's a CLOSET REMODEL!!!  One of our most frequent home improvement projects to date.  I think that makes 5 closet updates for us so far!

True to previous experiences, this is our recommended method for updating a closet:

1. invite family members to visit for a weekend of well, kid sitting, to free up construction time (thanks guys!)

2.  scour pinterest for "pinspiration"

3. draw a design and hang it by intended closet (more for the purpose of not losing it!)

4. allow the builder (aka hubby) to pop in on the paper and make measurements and notes as needed

5.  try to complete the project without a trip to the hardware store using recycled material and tools already owned

It's not beautiful *yet* but it is *functional* and that is the goal for this season!  I keep reminding myself..."someday i'll have the mud room of my dreams, and there will be no wee ones here to mud it up"!

Sunday, December 4

special little lady

Seeing Lena shyly wear a fancy Christmas dress for her date with Pops gives me the notion that we should do things like this with her more often. 

teaching her to be a lady,
enjoying attention for being a girl,
sitting properly in a dress,
not poking your finger through a hole in your tights,
leaving something in your hair,

I know she is not a girly-girl in many ways (like me!).  And therefore, I don't want to force her into the Pretty Princess role when she's more Jane of the Jungle.  But, the times are coming where training in beauty and grace might be needed. 

I'm thinking a stint at charm school like some other little moppet I used to know might be fun and useful. 

She's growing up and while it is fun to be a part of that process, each stage presents new challenges!

Tuesday, November 29

what a camp is....

One of the places we're steadily growing to love is "camp".  It's where we work, it's where we play.  We fellowship, practice, and prepare our faith within it's confines. 

It's a place we're inviting you to share, as well!



The hiking is really great!  And the friends are pretty good, too!

Saturday, November 26

turkey lurkey

The Thanksgiving Day turkey flew the coop here as 1) we had ham (a second choice over Subway) for Thursday dinner and 2) we're cutting down a Christmas tree from our own back yard and hanging the mistletoe today.

We've had an amazingly productive AND relaxing holiday break and are ready to take on the Christmas season in full joy, being fully blessed!

Merry, merry!

Monday, November 21

unplanned curriculum

I'd say 1/3 of the curriculum we work on at homeschool has been books and materials that have come to us freely.  Whether friends/family pass things along that they have found or used and didn't need any more or they've come from a certain camp related storage house that shall remain nameless, they are free to us none the less. 

Jack started the year off with Teaching Textbooks for math, but I wanted him to have a bit of book ciphering (sounds like prairie school) as well.  We have the time in our day for both and I like the idea of pencil to paper in computation.  How else can a homeschool kid get the phrase "SHOW YOUR WORK" emblazoned into his brain like we did as kids!

The Multicultural Math Classroom: Bringing in the World

So while the last few years we've worked through Saxon Math we started this year out with a free to us book called "Multicultural Math."  Thus far, he's worked in every area of concentration within mathematics in levels ranging from too easy to too hard (yeah, like, I can't even figure it out WITH the answer key!!).  For the most part, I've been most thrilled with the diligence with which HE has had to pursue the topics... for instance, looking through examples to figure out how to solve a problem. 

He's got a month or so left on the book before it's back to the "same 'ol" routine.  But it's been a fun way to kick off the fourth grade year!