Friday, September 30

BIG improvements

Plans we do have in abundance.

(right now, it just looks like the ghost of our front porch)

One thing I've really enjoyed about home ownership so far is the prioritizing of projects.  It's fun to think along the lines of a) where do we get the most bang for our buck b) where would we see cost savings down the road c) what sounds like fun to try!

On the short and long list (they swap places regularly, so I'm lumping them all together):
goats, chickens, dog, cats
front porch/curb appeal make over (though no one can see the house front from the road)
moving back hedge to side yard
planting evergreens in front of the front hedge
master bedroom closet organizer
planting a small orchard
raised vegetable beds
living room curtains
fencing/coop for animals
updating inside areas
painted scoreboard in boys room
add built in kitchen benches and a few cabinets
remodel large bathroom
master bedroom or large family room addition
book cases
swimming pool

Well...a family can dream, can't they!

Wednesday, September 28


She may be moving in with us.  Is this a good idea?

Wait a minute, forget I asked.  I can't stop staring at her picture.  I think I'll send out baby's a girl!!!

Monday, September 26

the grounds

I hinted last week that we were really sold on this house due to the yard and view. 

Living on a busy road (after living on Scout for 9 years) has been a noise adjustment.  Especially on summer nights, I'd wake up after a car went by and almost be angry!!  As they say, though, "You get used to it" and indeed, I have...almost.

We don't have a safety concern for the kids living on a busy road (though when considering pet/farm animal ownership, I do wonder), because there are plenty of trees and shrubs to CLEARLY seperate the boundaries of the road/yard.  On this side of the tree row or hedge = SAFE, over the hedge = NOT SAFE.

We have a nice area around the house to play and then the trees. 

To one side of the house, past the hammock and climbing trees, we have a small wildflower path which has been fun to explore.  On the other side of the house is the shed with all our outdoor toys.  The driveway has been fun for tennis, skateboarding, and chalk.  Beyond the driveway is the field for all types of sports play and dreaming of gardens and animals. 


(It's raining today, so I'll show photos of the field beyond the barn another day...there has already been some fierce kickball over there!!)

Friday, September 23

tour da home

disclaimer note:  bad pictures, poor lighting, weird angles, messy floors, unorganized shelves, cluttered countertops

for those who've yet to tour

I didn't give a very great endorsement of our home, did I!!  Really, though, we love it here, and I haven't had an ounce of regret through the whole home buying process. 
There were a few things that sold us on the house...
1. it is so close to camp, the closest house that was for sale, for that matter
2. it was really almost in "move in" condition where all we had to do was make it our own if we wanted
3. the yard is huge with lots of room to grow and huge climbing trees, too

And, of course, there are plans...
His: seal it up and make it as cost efficient a place to live as financially feasible
Mine: paint every piece of brown trim a semi-gloss white, give it curb appeal, and add on a big room
Theirs: animals, animals, animals of every two and four legged variety... and a swimming pool

So, hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go!

Wednesday, September 21


the cavalry is here

work, work, work

set up in three hours flat

Monday, September 19

The Big Move

Well, I do realize we're not the first family to move. 

And though, there were many "last times" I felt tremendous peace about the whole process.  Who really says "goodbye" in the kingdom of God!!!

It should be noted, too, we haven't moved a real move in 14 years.


We've had two mini moves in that time, but not anything that warranted dozens of rolls of tape.

Man, I hope those peonies transfer!!

Moving from green pastures, to green hills.