I hinted last week that we were really sold on this house due to the yard and view.

Living on a busy road (after living on Scout for 9 years) has been a noise adjustment. Especially on summer nights, I'd wake up after a car went by and almost be angry!! As they say, though, "You get used to it" and indeed, I have...almost.
We don't have a safety concern for the kids living on a busy road (though when considering pet/farm animal ownership, I do wonder), because there are plenty of trees and shrubs to CLEARLY seperate the boundaries of the road/yard. On this side of the tree row or hedge = SAFE, over the hedge = NOT SAFE.
We have a nice area around the house to play and then the trees.
To one side of the house, past the hammock and climbing trees, we have a small wildflower path which has been fun to explore. On the other side of the house is the shed with all our outdoor toys. The driveway has been fun for tennis, skateboarding, and chalk. Beyond the driveway is the field for all types of sports play and dreaming of gardens and animals.
(It's raining today, so I'll show photos of the field beyond the barn another day...there has already been some fierce kickball over there!!)
Jenny the pictures are amazing - it will be fun to see the seasonal changes with your land and home. Love the dog in the barn and so will the kids but I am sure it will make the house too. Janenne