Monday, November 14

okay, not

You're starting to catch on to me, now.  I have w-a-y more pictures than inclination to share them.  Thus the back log of summer pics as we near winter.  I'm trying to get more "real time" in our blogging; like, we work on something at home and *bam* up it goes on the blog the NEXT day.  Until then, enjoy the summer pictures and soak up the last of that summer sun.
This place, sadly, was NOT one of our summer favorites, but we're hoping it will grow on us, since it occurs just down our road.
Yes, it is an antique tractor pull.  Did you guess that?
We tortured the children through the slowly moving farm vehicles for about 45 minutes.  They were unconvinced there was really a contest going on as the tractors literally moved as slow as snails.
There were no flames coming out of the smoke pipes and no sinister names like "freakin' farmers" on the sides of the tractors (yes I mean you Walworth Co Fair). 
And while the earmuffs were great for photographing, the tractor noise barely grew beyond the sound of my children whining "can we go now."

And so we go....

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Thanks for sharing!