Monday, June 11

proof is in the pictures

Life is happening here!  And when life happens, who has time for taking pictures!  Well, I usually take the pictures, but it is the processing to get them onto the computer where the rubber meets the road!

So, it is Monday and already, our tanks are full!  Lena is doing two classes at the local school while Jack is away at camp.  PJ and I built a trellis for the tomato garden and mowed the back yard.  We had lunch at camp, company for dinner.  Pizza on the grill was delicious!  We found Scout bothering the baby bunnies AGAIN! and had to rescue one and bury one. 

So with that full tank of activities and gratitude for it all, off to bed for me!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Scout is being a dog but I am sad when they get in the bunnies nests! I know you will diligent on trying to keep her away. Janenne


Thanks for sharing!